Level 1
Who is placid with sustained output at a relaxed pace. Who can handle easy climbs of up to 300 vertical metres by bike or hike for around 2-3 hrs on undulating terrain at a steady pace. This would include ascents and descents of about 200 m vertical.
Level 2
Who is able to handle a moderate pace. Who can tackle climbs up to a total of 500 vertical metres by bike or can trek up steep, rocky paths and ascend up to 300 m in a day.
Level 3
Who is able to handle a good pace. who can tackle climbs up to a total of 900 vertical metres by bike or can trek up steep, rocky paths and ascend up to 500 m in a day with pauses to rest and catch up their breath.
Level 4
Who is able to handle a sustained challenging pace including anaerobic activities. Who can tackle two or three climbs of up to a total of at least 900 vertical metres by bike or can climb 5-6 hours most days, and on summit days up to 10 hours.
Level 5
Who is able to handle a sustained challenging pace including anaerobic activities for up to 7 consecutive days. Who can tackle sustained climbs of up to at least 1,500 vertical metres by bike or can move confidently on technical terrain for 10-15 hours at altitude